Beautiful, Natural and Creative | Alternative Portraiture & Wedding Photography

Camera Equipment

May 29 2013

The original Fuji X100 was just one of those purchases that didn’t work out. It has been almost 12 months to the day that I made the decision to return it for a refund.

It felt so wrong to be so disappointed in a camera that had quickly obtained a cult following and universal appreciation. I waited what felt like months after the launch of the X100, reading for reviews, awaiting opinions, to see of the hyperbole was really justified; if this really was the small, light and discreet enthusiastic camera I had been waiting for to compliment my DSLR. In some ways it was, it a lot of other ways it really wasn’t.

I summarised my thoughts on the X100 in a YouTube video shortly after I sent it back. It’s had over 10,000 views, and hundreds of comments, almost all concluding that I was an idiot, that I couldn’t use a camera, I was too picky or that I was just plain wrong about the X100. And the more abusive or derogatory comments I received, the more confident I felt in my decision. The only justifiable reason for people to get so darn upset over a camera is that they were defending it. My views on the X100 were upsetting people, because I was right.

The X100 was half-baked. It was a concept, the first of its kind and a big risk for a “second tier” camera company like Fuji to make. Would a small, retro styled camera with fixed 35mm lens sell well? I don’t think even Fuji were prepared for the answer to that. As well as being a risk, the X100 was a technical marvel; the hybrid viewfinder, the great collaboration between the latest digital technology and old school manual controls. But all that new technology costs.…

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May 11 2013

I’ve mentioned it many times in the past, that one of the most useful and versatile focal lengths available is a 50mm prime. Fast, small, and usually inexpensive, the 50mm is a lens I would recommend to any photographer.

Notice how I said usually inexpensive. There are a couple of exceptions to the rule; first the Leica Notctilux 50mm f0.95, a feat of engineering and an apocalypse on the wallet at a cool £10,000. The second, is the bargain-in-comparison-but-still-not-cheap Canon EF 50mm f1.2 L. And it this lens that you’re here to read about.

The Canon EF 50mm f1.2 L is one of my most used, if not the most used lens I own. It is without doubt the best autofocus 50mm prime lens you can buy today. There are aspects of it that are far from perfect, but they are easily overshadowed by this lens overall versatility and unique image quality characteristics.

For me, it always a genuinely difficult decision when I have to choose between the Canon 35mm f1.4 L and 50mm f1.2 L to put in my bag. Both very similar lenses, but also very different in use. The 35mm f1.4 is my favourite focal length by far, but still the 50mm probably gets used more. I’m not sure why.

There is plenty to love about the Canon 50mm f1.2L. It’s the biggest and toughest built 50mm prime you can buy, and as far as I’m aware it is the only weather sealed 50mm lens available right now. That on its own maybe worth the price to you. The autofocus is super-fast and super-accurate, as any Canon L lens should be. It has a good weight and size, and it handles really well on larger bodies like the Canon 5DMK III and the Canon 6D.

In fact, I absolutely love using the Canon 50mm f1.2 on the Canon 6D.…

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Mar 28 2013

The Canon 6D is a particularly intriguing camera. Even on the day of its announcement, before anyone had even taken a single photo with it, it was already being disregarded by many, and downright written off others who compared it to its Nikon counterpart, the D600. On paper, the Canon 6D is not as compelling or feature rich as the similarly priced Nikon, and it also (based purely on specs) falls behind it’s bigger brother the Canon 5D MKIII (which I own)

I, like many, did not have high hopes for the Canon 6D, but I am pleased to say I have absolutely and irrevocably had my opinion changed on the amazing little camera. It has quickly become my favourite camera ever. Here’s why.

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Nov 21 2012

Regular readers to my blog will realise things have been very, very quiet recently, and for this I apologise. I have always tried to be consistent with updating this blog, as I really do enjoy answering your questions and writing inspiring and useful articles, but sometimes, life just gets in the way. I hope to get back into the routine of weekly blog posts soon, so please bear with me.

Although I haven’t had time to blog, I have been taking lots of photos as I get used to and learn how to use my newly acquired Canon 5D MKIII, and learning about the differences from my old Nikon D700 which I had been using day in day out for the last 2 years.

No two cameras are the same, and especially the difference between the Nikon and Canon is like night and day. But in a fast paced environment, like a wedding, or when you are using your camera as a means to run your business, you really, really need to know the camera inside and out. You need to be able to use the camera like an extension of your hand, to change settings without thinking and understand its abilities and limitations without taking a single photo.

It’s for this reason that I have been shooting lots in the last month or so, getting to better understand this new camera. Unfortunately, a lot of the stuff I have been shooting has been pretty mundane, and certainly nothing special. But practice is practice, and the more I shoot, the more I learn about this new Canon. So, I figured I would share with you my first thoughts and experiences of my switch to Canon after a few short weeks.

Thoughts on Physical Differences

I love the grip and ergonomics of the 5D MKII, although there was nothing wrong with the D700.…

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Oct 06 2012

I’ll start of by being completely and utterly hypocritical. Camera gear doesn’t really make much of a difference on how good a photographer you are, in same way that a fancy oven doesn’t make you a world class chef. But the right equipment, the right tool for the job, makes doing it day in day out more fun, more comfortable and more consistent.

Completely ignoring my own advice, I recently made the decision to sell off my small collection of Nikon equipment, and switch to the “other” camera manufacturer, Canon. Here’s why….

Before I purchased the Nikon, I did so much research into the entire Nikon system, from flashes to lenses and accessories. This is so important because once you are in a system; you are tied into everything, whether it be good or bad.

The problem was that I was new to photography. I didn’t know what I would be doing, or in which direction I would go. I thought that I would be buying a couple of f2.8 zooms, and doing lots of off-camera strobist work. In both these areas, Nikon excels, so were deciding factors in my decision to buy into Nikon rather than Canon. Canon offered high megapixels and video recording. I didn’t think I would be interested in either.

Fast forward nearly 2 years, and things have really changed. It’s been months since I used a flashgun off camera, I much prefer shooting in natural light or with fill light these days. And I find myself struggling with the limited resolution of the D700 when trying to make 12” high quality wedding albums. Together with the fact that I’m doing more wedding work, a camera with two cards slots and great low light performance is becoming a necessity.

As for lenses, I only have two primes, a 35mm and 85mm, and I have been struggling to find the right combination of Nikon prime lenses to give me the flexibility I need for Weddings in particular.…

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Sep 13 2012

The Nikon AF-S 85mm F1.4 G is half of my current camera set up, teaming up with it’s equally spectacular twin brother, the Nikon 35mm f1.4 G which I have already reviewed. Between just these two lenses, I have shot portraits, weddings and everything else in between.

I will start of this review with one comment though. I think it pretty obvious that when you are paying this much for a lens; when you are buying the best and newest of what Nikon makes; it’s obviously going to be great.

If you want a summary of this review, or any other professional grade lens, it goes a bit like this. It’s fantastic. It’s expensive. If you think it’s worth it, go and get it.

If you prefer a little bit more depth, read on.


As you would expect for one of Nikon newest, professional grade lenses, you get (almost) all the bells and whistles. The 85mm f1.4 G contains a lot of shiny glass (10 Elements in 9 groups) including Nikon’s own proprietary Nano Crystal Coat to reduce flare and ghosting. Unfortunately you don’t get anything else, so no VR (vibration reduction) and no super fast autofocus.

Speaking of which, the autofocus speed is good, but not great and a little disappointing for a lens this price. But it is very accurate, even at f1.4 and works fine with moving subjects. (like a church recessional) You can see a video of the autofocus speed on my YouTube page.

The biggest feature of this lens is probably the fact it’s an 85mm and it’s f1.4. This lens was made for portraits. 85mm is flattering focal length, without require you being too far away from your subject. And a blinding fast aperture of f1.4 provides the ability to capture bucket loads of light, and create wonderful subject isolation.…

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Jul 20 2012

Well, I didn’t see this coming.

I’ve just finished repackaging the Fuji X100 after just a few short weeks with it. I’m done with it.

There was so much to look foward to, so much to love about the X100. It should have fitted me like a glove, a small, light and fast fixed lens camera. But after a few weeks together, it was pretty clear we just weren’t getting along.

First off, let me start off by saying this camera isn’t awful. Far from it. There are parts of it that I absoulutly love. The image quality is supurb. It has the best APS-C sensor I’ve come across. The f2.0 35mm lens is real winner. And that tiny, silent shutter is something I will really truly miss.

On the other hand, the Fuji X100 is a flawed experience. The bugs and operational quirks just dont make up for the good bits. I fell in love with the the idea of the X100 but in reality, it’s not so good. The autofocus was really quite poor. And having to switch between the evf and ovf when focus at around 0.85m was a major pain..

And really stupid things, like not telling you that your chosen aperture/shutter speed settings are “incompatible” or that the battery went from full to flat in 20mins. While I was in the middle of the Scottish highlands, my spare battery about 2 hour walk away in the car.

These bugs and quirky issues came up so often, it made me want to chuck it’s gorgous, film-era magnesium body at the nearest brick wall.

But in all honesty, the main reason I passed on the Fuji X100 is that it just wasn’t earning it’s way.

I don’t make a lot of money, from either my day job or photography, but I work damn hard to earn it.…

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Jul 02 2012

I’ll start this review of the Nikon AF-S 35mm f1.4 by saying this not so much of a review, more like a love story. This lens is by far the single greatest piece of camera equipment I have ever purchased. (Apart from the Nikon D700. And the Fuji X100. And the Nikkor 85mm….maybe)

What’s So Great About A 35mm?

Unlike it’s cheaper, smaller brother the 35mm f1.8, and its older, louder and more annoying uncle, the AF-D 35mm f2; the Nikon AF-S 35mm f1.4 is amazing. At everything.

Want to shoot Landscapes? It’s awesome.
Want to shoot Portraits? It’s awesome.
Want to shoot Street Photography? It’s awesome.
Want to shoot Still Life? It’s awesome.
Want to shoot anything? It’s awesome.

It’s no secret that the 35mm focal length is a magical one. Wide, but not too wide, the 35mm let’s you get in close, while still showing context. Even for portraits from a few meters, there is no distortion in the subject, but plenty of space still in the frame for the background. I absolute adore this lens at weddings. A standard enough focal length for almost all situations, just with a little extra space for the story.

Every photographer should own a 50mm, so for comparison, just imagine looking through that 50mm view, but actually being able to see around the frame. The Nikon 35mm f1.4 is used like a 50mm, but it’s wider, sharper and a lot, lot more fun.

A Great Combination

The Nikon AF-S 35mm f1.4 was so good, I sold my vulnerable AF-S 50mm f1.4. The 35mm is a better lens in every single way. It’s sharper wide open, built better and focuses closer.

But the true awesomeness starts when I combine this 35mm with the just as fantastic Nikon AF-S 85mm f1.4.…

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Jun 25 2012

When the Fuji X100 was first announced, I was seriously interested. Here was a camera, with the sensibilities, controls and gorgeous looks of a 35mm film rangefinder (like the Contax G2) but with a large, APS-C sized sensor with all the latest digital mod-cons like great high ISO and HD video recording. The Fuji X100 was the most hyped camera in years. It seemed like the perfect companion camera for photographers who wanted something smaller and lighter than a DSLR but didn’t want to sacrifice…anything, really.

Unfortunately a couple of things put me off when the Fuji X100 hit the shelves.

First, it was a unique, one a kind, first generation product. And I avoid buying anything that’s on it’s first run, because you know there will always be issues. Which there were.

Buggy software, slow autofocus and a fatal issue known as SAB (Sticky Aperture Blades) were common complaints from the first bunch of guinea pigs, err I mean lucky users.

Secondly, Fuji were asking for over £1000 for the X100, and the very, very short initial supply meant the street price was a lot higher and verging on ridiculous.

On the other hand, there is so much to like!

A unique first of its kind hybrid viewfinder combining a high tech electric screen with an old school glass optical viewfinder. Fully manual controls, with great to use clickty-clackty dials and switches. A full metal body with a dedicated Fujinon 23mm f2.0 lens. It was a camera made for those photographers who loved film cameras, shooting with primes and street photography. It was a very, very hard camera for me to resist buying.

Until now.

After months of umming and ahhhing, and keeping up to date with the improvements made in several successive firmware updates, together with the more reasonable, reduced price of around £600, I decided it was time to join the X100 club.…

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Apr 23 2012

Almost everyone now has a camera with them most of time, and people are using them more and more, which is a fantastic, beautiful thing. People are documenting more of their lives, more of their memories and more of what is important to them. Whether the photo was taken on smartphone or professional DSLR, these photos are a part of life.

The problem is that no matter what the camera used, those photos, can be so much more with a bit of photo editing. I’m not sure why photo post production hasn’t caught on as much as the act of taking photos in the digital age. Everyone takes photos, but only “photographers” edit theirs. Perhaps the average snap shooter is intimidated by Photoshop and other expensive and complicated software, that requires time and knowledge to learn.

Well the good news is that cheap, easy to use and effective photo editing apps are here. My favourite and most recommended app to friends and family is iPhoto for iOS. (works on iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch)

iPhoto for iOS is very similar in features to iPhoto for Mac, which is in itself very accessible and full of features. The good news is that you don’t have to have used a mac to get to grips with iPhoto, it only takes 10mins to figure everything out and your photos will be better for it. It is really easy to use, even for a complete beginner. If you are ever not sure of what button does what, iPhoto features a comprehensive user guide and even on-screen tool tips.

iPhoto’s offers a great way to store, edit and share your photos, either taken with your iPhone/iPod as well as directly from your digital camera if used on an iPad. (with the optional memory card reader)

When you first open iPhoto, the app displays all of the photos on your device, and arranges them by album or date.…

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